URL Creator and URL integration and Docuware

Clients can take advantage of the feature in DocuWare allowing them to make calls to the server thru the Website.  This is a very simple call which can be used to find documents, display individual documents or return information to a program leveraging data and DocuWare file cabinets.  
DocuWare provides a small bit of software called the URL Creator as a tool to help you to understand this process and test your query.  In versions before 7 this tool was installed with the advanced admin tools, with version 7, it can be installed thru the web under desktop tools.
Remember that the is NOTHING you have to do to enable DocuWare this feature is automatically installed with DocuWare and available to those with the proper security and access. 
Not all of the URL creators look exactly alike, but they are simular enough that this should still be a good example of how to use it and create links.

URL First Image

Enter the Server name WITHOUT the http:// or HTTPS:// that is added using the radio buttons above the name. IF you are using ENTERPRISE and have more than one Organization then add the organization number to call upon.

 For a demo do not fill this area in but in the future take note that you CAN force the use of a user name, a login token or attempt a login using the AD windows loginYou can also set TIME LIMITS for how long this call will work.  I would use this when you do not want users to find and send the links to others.  Setting the link to a short time, say 10 minutes would eliminate people who did have the link from using it beyond the the time and date set, 

There are a few selections h  you can make here but as a first timer select RESULTLIST and VIEWER as it will provide you with the most reliable first experience.

This screen is where you TELL DocuWare what to do.  First you have to tell DocuWare which GUID to use for dialog with the user.  FILE CABINET GUID will give you the least amount of trouble to start with so find that in the ADMINSTATION program it is under General in the thick CONFIGURATION TOOL.    IF you knew what DWDOCID number you wanted to display you could select DWDOCID but in the case above we are searching for items where the field OPER = 8000OPER is the SQL field name so you will need to find that in the Configuration tool as well.  The format for a Query is [FIELDNAME] cmd “DATA”
In this case the field name is OPER and the way you tell Docuware it is a field is to surround it with [  ]The arithmetic cmd is the common ones used in Boolean expressions  =,<,>,<>,LIKE Data is what to look for in the field
There are a few exceptions to this ISEMPTY() is a DocuWare express that means exactly what it says the field is EmptyNOTEMPTY() is a DocuWare Expressiong that means what it says the field is NOT Empty
They would be used like this [OPER] ISEMPTY()[OPER] NOTEMPTY()
Next page will provide you the link to test.  You can save it if all you need is the link to a document like a personnel manual for a website or product safety sheet for a factory but chances are you want to build a button from your application to DocuWare to look for documents that relate to your existing system. That is exactly the same thing but a little different. 
The link looks a little like this:

http://servername/DocuWare/Platform/WebClient/4/Integration?p=RLV&fc={GUID GOES HERE}&q=W09QRVJdPSI4MDAwIg2

Breaking down the URL so you know what it means and how to create one in CODE is in the manuals sent earlier but to hope to give you a jump start

Where the call is made to:


What tools to display in this case Result dialog and viewer:


Which file cabinet


The Query above looks strange….. 


That is because it is encrypted. it is the same as the information above it is encrypted using standard URL encryption.  We will not go into all of that as this is just a primer…but it is by no means difficult to do. 

 So from your own programs you could search for any field combination in any file cabinet using just the click of a button.  

You can create complex query such as 

[OPER]=’8000′ and [StoreDate]>”01/16/2018″

That should help you get your way to using the URL tools in DocuWare.