Importing Files using the control file -DWCONTROL- into Docuware
Docuware allows you to import records in ANY format if you use the XML file to point to the records. You must have Docuware Import to do this.
You will need to build a DWCONTROL file from the XML and images in that XML for example:
I get a XML file and PDF from our client containing the Data and the Document (PDF) and sometimes an image (JPG) that all need clipped together and stored into Docuware with the correct indexes in place.
There is a PDF named: 635935515966691387_13cfdffe-98ef-40ad-acc2-c887be14714d_10061.pdf
An XML file named: 635935515966691387_13cfdffe-98ef-40ad-acc2-c887be14714d_10061.XML
The XML Looks like this:
“?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<ImportGroup xmlns=”http://anothercompany/schemas/dataImport”>
<Document id=”635935515966691387_13cfdffe-98ef-40ad-acc2-c887be14714d_10061″ name=”635935515966691387_13cfdffe-98ef-40ad-acc2-c887be14714d_10061″ domain=”BPV” index=”Certification” typeName=”Certificate” indexQueue=”Data Import Queue” convertFile=”false” autoIndex=”true” ocr=”false”>
<Field name=”LocationCity” value=”SomeCity” />
<Field name=”LocationName” value=”Some Company Name” />
<Field name=”LocationAddress” value=”1122 Electric Ave” />
<Field name=”LocationState” value=”IL” />
<Field name=”LocationZip” value=”60201-4205″ />
<Field name=”LicenseNumber” value=”” />
<Field name=”JurisdictionNumber” value=”B010XXXX” />
<Field name=”DocDate” value=”03-14-2016″ />
<Field name=”intRecordID” value=”4564xxx” />
<Field name=”intTableID” value=”12″ />
<File filePath=”635935515966691387_13cfdffe-98ef-40ad-acc2-c887be14714d_10061.pdf” mimeType=”application/pdf” />
We grab this data using a VB.NET program we wrote to create matching XML and files and we change the name of the files to reflect the BATCHID (time stamp:YYMMDDHHMMSS), A DOC_ID which is 4 digit Alpha starting with AAAA and going to ZZZZ (492,804 unique Documents Converted from 18,954-511,758 ) and a FILE_ID which is a 3 digit number incrementing with every attached file.(000-999 inclusive) This makes the files related to each other by Batch ID, in an order by DOC_ID, and a FILE_ID) they look like this:
An PDF file Named:160323090155AIJO001.PDF
An XML File Named:160323090155AIJO000.dwcontrol
It looks like this:
<ControlStatements xmlns=”” xmlns:xsi=””>
<InsertFile path=’160323090155AIJO001.pdf’/>
<Field dbName=”DOMAIN” type=”Text” value=”BPV”/>
<Field dbName=”INDEX” type=”Text” value=”CERTIFICATION”/>
<Field dbName=”TYPENAME” type=”Text” value=”CERTIFICATE”/>
<Field dbName=”PRAESES_ID” type=”Text” value=”635935515966691387_13CFDFFE-98EF-40AD-ACC2-C887BE14714D_10061″/>
<Field dbName=”CMCITRAX” type=”Text” value=”B:160323090155 D:160323090155AIJO F:PRAESES_FTP”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONCITY” type=”Text” value=”SomeCity”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONNAME” type=”Text” value=”Some Company Name”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONADDRESS” type=”Text” value=”1122 Electric Ave”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONSTATE” type=”Text” value=”IL”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONZIP” type=”Text” value=”60201-4205″/>
<Field dbName=”LICENSENUMBER” type=”Text” value=””/>
<Field dbName=”JURISDICTIONNUMBER” type=”Text” value=”B010XXXX”/>
<Field dbName=”DOCDATE” type=”Date” value=”03-14-2016″ culture=”en-US” format=”MM-dd-yyyy”/>
<Field dbName=”INTRECORDID” type=”Text” value=”4564xxx”/>
<Field dbName=”INTTABLEID” type=”Text” value=”12″/>
If there were more than 1 file it would have looked this this instead:
<ControlStatements xmlns=”” xmlns:xsi=””>
<InsertFile path=’160323090155AIJO001.pdf’/>
<InsertFile path=’160323090155AIJO002.xml’/>
<InsertFile path=’160323090155AIJO003.jpg’/>
<InsertFile path=’160323090155AIJO004.tif’/>
<InsertFile path=’160323090155AIJO005.pdf’/>
<InsertFile path=’160323090155AIJO006.pdf’/>
<Field dbName=”DOMAIN” type=”Text” value=”BPV”/>
<Field dbName=”INDEX” type=”Text” value=”CERTIFICATION”/>
<Field dbName=”TYPENAME” type=”Text” value=”CERTIFICATE”/>
<Field dbName=”PRAESES_ID” type=”Text” value=”635935515966691387_13CFDFFE-98EF-40AD-ACC2-C887BE14714D_10061″/>
<Field dbName=”CMCITRAX” type=”Text” value=”B:160323090155 D:160323090155AIJO F:PRAESES_FTP”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONCITY” type=”Text” value=”SomeCity”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONNAME” type=”Text” value=”Some Company Name”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONADDRESS” type=”Text” value=”1122 Electric Ave”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONSTATE” type=”Text” value=”IL”/>
<Field dbName=”LOCATIONZIP” type=”Text” value=”60201-4205″/>
<Field dbName=”LICENSENUMBER” type=”Text” value=””/>
<Field dbName=”JURISDICTIONNUMBER” type=”Text” value=”B010XXXX”/>
<Field dbName=”DOCDATE” type=”Date” value=”03-14-2016″ culture=”en-US” format=”MM-dd-yyyy”/>
<Field dbName=”INTRECORDID” type=”Text” value=”4564xxx”/>
<Field dbName=”INTTABLEID” type=”Text” value=”12″/>
NOTE the InsertFile path is SINGLE QUOTES
DOCUWARE HELP has them listed as DOUBLE but I have never had any luck with that…..
I changed them to single quotes and it works….
Your IMPORT Configuration (this is the web configuration not local or administrator) must be set to
Docuware (.DWCONTROL)
Metadata specifies the document
Do not forget to set the permissions correctly for the users or they will not see them at all.
Docuware will CLIP these all together…..
Docuware does have some help on this subject but there are pieces of it spread around in several different places on their help.
And it is at time incorrect probably a format change by an editor The IMPORTANT things to note are:
Follow all XML RULES for illegal characters and filter them (items like ‘ and & etc (there are 252 bad chars) of them must be handled they will not get picked-up or imported
Make CERTAIN you follow the rules for DATES and AMOUNTS
Make CERTAIN the file name is EXACTLY the same if not it will not work!
Your dwcontrol shows <InsertFile path=’1234ABC.PDF’/>
The ACTUAL file name is 1234ABC.pdf (PDF is lower case) <<<< THIS WILL NOT IMPORT BE SPECIFIC
Docuware will not tell you that it is not picking up the records or WHY it looks like it is LOCKED UP but most of the time it is BAD XML
The Index field data dbname is the SQL name and not the Display name look that up in Administrator Field Details
Do not get confused with the LABEL, Previous blog help called Goto DWCONTROL FIELDS HELP outlines some of these things.
Once you work out the bugs you can have the importer read the data into Docuware and speed may be an issue, so do not be impatient.
It will take a moment to start importing and it may not be as fast as you think it should be but ignore the feedback and instead watch the file location
as the files are removed and stored. Lastly the JOBS folder is where these are kept if they fail.
JOBS FOLDER IS located at : C:\Users\All Users\DocuWare\Jobs
Make a note of this as I have never found documentation on this but it is IMPORTANT.
In every version before 6.9 the log says pass or fail and nothing else. The XML in the Job location is of no value so the file names become very important to you.
Here are LINKS to other help on the subject…..
DocuWare Control commands with DWControl Font
Import with XML Metadata using .DWCONTROL XML Tags to Clip Documents
Adding a Metadata File with Indexing
XML and HTML character entity references (Wikipedia)
DocuWare Control
Defining Language and Region
Define date format
Sample file from Docuware
REMEMBER! USE SINGLE QUOTES when importing files.