How to get to Administration for Docuware Version 5x

 How to get to administration under Docuware 5To run administration you must have Docuware installed on the PC you are working from.1: Open Docuware Administration
                 Start\All Programs\Docuware 5\Configuration\Docuware Administration 
 2:Administration is in 2 parts SYSTEM and Organization                
The upper section is called the Docuware System
                 Under the System, you can administrate connections to Data,
                  Storage Locations,  System Logs, Web Connections and to
                 see information about the system.                

Following the dotted line down will take you to the Organization
Within the Organization you can administrate the Users,
Groups, Roles, Profiles, File Cabinets, Workflows and see the
Logs for the Organization. 
 IF you can not see this then you will need to talk to the system administrator for access.
Most of the administration work after installing Docuware will be done within the Organization. 
The more common things that you will want to do under the Organization are :                 
Build File Cabinets
Add File Cabinet Profiles (security for File Cabinet)
Add Organization Profiles (security relating to software functions)
Add Groups that relate to security groups/file cabinets
Connect the user’s groups to Active Directory
We will go into all of the administration in subsequent articles each highlighting a feature of Docuware and an in-depth view of the feature.