Docuware and the control file -DWCONTROL-

There is a set of control commands available to use in Docuware for use in IMPORT and other functions. The most important of these are getting the field data RIGHT! 
DocuWare Control commands with DWControl FontID #2941


The Field command is meant to fill a metadata or index field of the document to store.

The field is identified by its database column name. Currently four types of fields are supported, as described in the following sections. The attributes dbName and type are required.

Text/Memo values

<dwControl:Field dbName=”EMPLOYEE” type=”Text” value=”Mark Smith“/>

<dwControl:Field dbName=”MEMO” type=”Memo” value=”Text“/>

Keyword values

<dwControl:Field dbName=”REMARK” type=”Keyword” value=”one“/>

<dwControl:Field dbName=”REMARK” type=”Keyword” value=”two“/>

When storing multiple values into a single keyword field, multiple Control commands are needed.

Numeric values

<dwControl:Field dbName=”SALARY” type=”Numeric” value=”31.2” culture=”en-US” decimalPlaces=”2” />

In different cultures, colons or dots and other characters are interpreted differently, thus the culture has to be provided to interpret the value correctly. For example 3.000 in Germany is interpreted as 3000, but as 3 in England.

In the given sample the value would be saved as 31,20.

Decimal places

When storing a document to a basket, due to an archaic DocuWare restriction, we need to know the numbers of decimal places of the value, as it should be stored to the basket. In the given sample the value would be saved automatically as3120 to the basket, when decimalPlaces is 2. Storing the document manually from the basket to the filecabinet would then result in 31,20 againIf decimalValues is not specified, the default is 2.

Date values

<dwControl:Field dbName=”STARTDATE” type=”Date” value=”2017-04-03” culture=”en-US” format=”yyyy-MM-dd” />

<dwControl:Field dbName=”STARTDATE” type=”Date” value=”03 MAY 2017” culture=”en-US” format=”dd MMMM yyyy” />

<dwControl:Field dbName=”DOCDATE” type=”Date” value=”01.24.2017″ culture=”de-DE” format=”dd.MM.yyyy” />

<dwControl:Field dbName=”ENDDATE” type=”DateTime” value=”2017-04-23 7:43p” culture=”en-US” format=”yyyy-MM-dd h:mmt” />


Sample date is Sunday, 9th March 2008.
Year (e.g. 2008)
y = 8
yy = 08
yyy = 008
yyyyy = 2008
Month (e.g. March)
M = 3
MM = 03
MMM = Mar
MMMM = March
Day (e.g. Sunday, 9th)
d = 9
dd = 09
ddd = Sun
dddd = Sunday
Hour (e.g. 4PM)
h = 4
hh = 04
H = 16 or (e.g. 8AM = 8)
HH = 16 or (e.g 8AM = 08)
Minute (e.g. 5)
m = 5
mm = 05
Second (e.g. 7)
s = 7
ss = 07
second fraction (e.g. 103 milliseconds)
f = 1
ff = 10
fff = 103
ffff = 1030
FFFF (without zeros) = 103
FFF = 103
FF = 1
F = 1
A.M. or P.M.
t = P
tt = PM
Time zone (e.g. -06:00)
z = -6
zz = -06
zzz = -06:00

In case English or German is not your culture, the list is below.

                        Invariant Language (Invariant Country)
af          af-ZA       Afrikaans
af-ZA       af-ZA       Afrikaans (South Africa)
ar          ar-SA       Arabic
ar-AE       ar-AE       Arabic (U.A.E.)
ar-BH       ar-BH       Arabic (Bahrain)
ar-DZ       ar-DZ       Arabic (Algeria)
ar-EG       ar-EG       Arabic (Egypt)
ar-IQ       ar-IQ       Arabic (Iraq)
ar-JO       ar-JO       Arabic (Jordan)
ar-KW       ar-KW       Arabic (Kuwait)
ar-LB       ar-LB       Arabic (Lebanon)
ar-LY       ar-LY       Arabic (Libya)
ar-MA       ar-MA       Arabic (Morocco)
ar-OM       ar-OM       Arabic (Oman)
ar-QA       ar-QA       Arabic (Qatar)
ar-SA       ar-SA       Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
ar-SY       ar-SY       Arabic (Syria)
ar-TN       ar-TN       Arabic (Tunisia)
ar-YE       ar-YE       Arabic (Yemen)
az          az-Latn-AZ  Azeri
az-Cyrl-AZ  az-Cyrl-AZ  Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)
az-Latn-AZ  az-Latn-AZ  Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan)
be          be-BY       Belarusian
be-BY       be-BY       Belarusian (Belarus)
bg          bg-BG       Bulgarian
bg-BG       bg-BG       Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
bs-Latn-BA  bs-Latn-BA  Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
ca          ca-ES       Catalan
ca-ES       ca-ES       Catalan (Catalan)
cs          cs-CZ       Czech
cs-CZ       cs-CZ       Czech (Czech Republic)
cy-GB       cy-GB       Welsh (United Kingdom)
da          da-DK       Danish
da-DK       da-DK       Danish (Denmark)
de          de-DE       German
de-AT       de-AT       German (Austria)
de-DE       de-DE       German (Germany)
de-CH       de-CH       German (Switzerland)
de-LI       de-LI       German (Liechtenstein)
de-LU       de-LU       German (Luxembourg)
dv          dv-MV       Divehi
dv-MV       dv-MV       Divehi (Maldives)
el          el-GR       Greek
el-GR       el-GR       Greek (Greece)
en          en-US       English
en-029      en-029      English (Caribbean)
en-AU       en-AU       English (Australia)
en-BZ       en-BZ       English (Belize)
en-CA       en-CA       English (Canada)
en-GB       en-GB       English (United Kingdom)
en-IE       en-IE       English (Ireland)
en-JM       en-JM       English (Jamaica)
en-NZ       en-NZ       English (New Zealand)
en-PH       en-PH       English (Republic of the Philippines)
en-TT       en-TT       English (Trinidad and Tobago)
en-US       en-US       English (United States)
en-ZA       en-ZA       English (South Africa)
en-ZW       en-ZW       English (Zimbabwe)
es          es-ES       Spanish
es-AR       es-AR       Spanish (Argentina)
es-BO       es-BO       Spanish (Bolivia)
es-CL       es-CL       Spanish (Chile)
es-CO       es-CO       Spanish (Colombia)
es-CR       es-CR       Spanish (Costa Rica)
es-DO       es-DO       Spanish (Dominican Republic)
es-EC       es-EC       Spanish (Ecuador)
es-ES       es-ES       Spanish (Spain)
es-GT       es-GT       Spanish (Guatemala)
es-HN       es-HN       Spanish (Honduras)
es-MX       es-MX       Spanish (Mexico)
es-NI       es-NI       Spanish (Nicaragua)
es-PA       es-PA       Spanish (Panama)
es-PE       es-PE       Spanish (Peru)
es-PR       es-PR       Spanish (Puerto Rico)
es-PY       es-PY       Spanish (Paraguay)
es-SV       es-SV       Spanish (El Salvador)
es-UY       es-UY       Spanish (Uruguay)
es-VE       es-VE       Spanish (Venezuela)
et          et-EE       Estonian
et-EE       et-EE       Estonian (Estonia)
eu          eu-ES       Basque
eu-ES       eu-ES       Basque (Basque)
fa          fa-IR       Persian
fa-IR       fa-IR       Persian (Iran)
fi          fi-FI       Finnish
fi-FI       fi-FI       Finnish (Finland)
fo          fo-FO       Faroese
fo-FO       fo-FO       Faroese (Faroe Islands)
fr          fr-FR       French
fr-BE       fr-BE       French (Belgium)
fr-CA       fr-CA       French (Canada)
fr-FR       fr-FR       French (France)
fr-CH       fr-CH       French (Switzerland)
fr-LU       fr-LU       French (Luxembourg)
fr-MC       fr-MC       French (Principality of Monaco)
gl          gl-ES       Galician
gl-ES       gl-ES       Galician (Galician)
gu          gu-IN       Gujarati
gu-IN       gu-IN       Gujarati (India)
he          he-IL       Hebrew
he-IL       he-IL       Hebrew (Israel)
hi          hi-IN       Hindi
hi-IN       hi-IN       Hindi (India)
hr          hr-HR       Croatian
hr-BA       hr-BA       Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
hr-HR       hr-HR       Croatian (Croatia)
hu          hu-HU       Hungarian
hu-HU       hu-HU       Hungarian (Hungary)
hy          hy-AM       Armenian
hy-AM       hy-AM       Armenian (Armenia)
id          id-ID       Indonesian
id-ID       id-ID       Indonesian (Indonesia)
is          is-IS       Icelandic
is-IS       is-IS       Icelandic (Iceland)
it          it-IT       Italian
it-CH       it-CH       Italian (Switzerland)
it-IT       it-IT       Italian (Italy)
ja          ja-JP       Japanese
ja-JP       ja-JP       Japanese (Japan)
ka          ka-GE       Georgian
ka-GE       ka-GE       Georgian (Georgia)
kk          kk-KZ       Kazakh
kk-KZ       kk-KZ       Kazakh (Kazakhstan)
kn          kn-IN       Kannada
kn-IN       kn-IN       Kannada (India)
ko          ko-KR       Korean
kok         kok-IN      Konkani
kok-IN      kok-IN      Konkani (India)
ko-KR       ko-KR       Korean (Korea)
ky          ky-KG       Kyrgyz
ky-KG       ky-KG       Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)
lt          lt-LT       Lithuanian
lt-LT       lt-LT       Lithuanian (Lithuania)
lv          lv-LV       Latvian
lv-LV       lv-LV       Latvian (Latvia)
mi-NZ       mi-NZ       Maori (New Zealand)
mk          mk-MK       Macedonian
mk-MK       mk-MK       Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
mn          mn-MN       Mongolian
mn-MN       mn-MN       Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia)
mr          mr-IN       Marathi
mr-IN       mr-IN       Marathi (India)
ms          ms-MY       Malay
ms-BN       ms-BN       Malay (Brunei Darussalam)
ms-MY       ms-MY       Malay (Malaysia)
mt-MT       mt-MT       Maltese (Malta)
nb-NO       nb-NO       Norwegian, Bokmal (Norway)
nl          nl-NL       Dutch
nl-BE       nl-BE       Dutch (Belgium)
nl-NL       nl-NL       Dutch (Netherlands)
nn-NO       nn-NO       Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway)
no          nb-NO       Norwegian
ns-ZA       ns-ZA       Northern Sotho (South Africa)
pa          pa-IN       Punjabi
pa-IN       pa-IN       Punjabi (India)
pl          pl-PL       Polish
pl-PL       pl-PL       Polish (Poland)
pt          pt-BR       Portuguese
pt-BR       pt-BR       Portuguese (Brazil)
pt-PT       pt-PT       Portuguese (Portugal)
quz-BO      quz-BO      Quechua (Bolivia)
quz-EC      quz-EC      Quechua (Ecuador)
quz-PE      quz-PE      Quechua (Peru)
ro          ro-RO       Romanian
ro-RO       ro-RO       Romanian (Romania)
ru          ru-RU       Russian
ru-RU       ru-RU       Russian (Russia)
sa          sa-IN       Sanskrit
sa-IN       sa-IN       Sanskrit (India)
se-FI       se-FI       Sami (Northern) (Finland)
se-NO       se-NO       Sami (Northern) (Norway)
se-SE       se-SE       Sami (Northern) (Sweden)
sk          sk-SK       Slovak
sk-SK       sk-SK       Slovak (Slovakia)
sl          sl-SI       Slovenian
sl-SI       sl-SI       Slovenian (Slovenia)
sma-NO      sma-NO      Sami (Southern) (Norway)
sma-SE      sma-SE      Sami (Southern) (Sweden)
smj-NO      smj-NO      Sami (Lule) (Norway)
smj-SE      smj-SE      Sami (Lule) (Sweden)
smn-FI      smn-FI      Sami (Inari) (Finland)
sms-FI      sms-FI      Sami (Skolt) (Finland)
sq          sq-AL       Albanian
sq-AL       sq-AL       Albanian (Albania)
sr          sr-Latn-CS  Serbian
sr-Cyrl-BA  sr-Cyrl-BA  Serbian (Cyrillic) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
sr-Cyrl-CS  sr-Cyrl-CS  Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)
sr-Latn-BA  sr-Latn-BA  Serbian (Latin) (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
sr-Latn-CS  sr-Latn-CS  Serbian (Latin, Serbia)
sv          sv-SE       Swedish
sv-FI       sv-FI       Swedish (Finland)
sv-SE       sv-SE       Swedish (Sweden)
sw          sw-KE       Kiswahili
sw-KE       sw-KE       Kiswahili (Kenya)
syr         syr-SY      Syriac
syr-SY      syr-SY      Syriac (Syria)
ta          ta-IN       Tamil
ta-IN       ta-IN       Tamil (India)
te          te-IN       Telugu
te-IN       te-IN       Telugu (India)
th          th-TH       Thai
th-TH       th-TH       Thai (Thailand)
tn-ZA       tn-ZA       Tswana (South Africa)
tr          tr-TR       Turkish
tr-TR       tr-TR       Turkish (Turkey)
tt          tt-RU       Tatar
tt-RU       tt-RU       Tatar (Russia)
uk          uk-UA       Ukrainian
uk-UA       uk-UA       Ukrainian (Ukraine)
ur          ur-PK       Urdu
ur-PK       ur-PK       Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
uz          uz-Latn-UZ  Uzbek
uz-Cyrl-UZ  uz-Cyrl-UZ  Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)
uz-Latn-UZ  uz-Latn-UZ  Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)
vi          vi-VN       Vietnamese
vi-VN       vi-VN       Vietnamese (Vietnam)
xh-ZA       xh-ZA       Xhosa (South Africa)
zh-CN       zh-CN       Chinese (People's Republic of China)
zh-HK       zh-HK       Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.)
zh-CHS      (none)      Chinese (Simplified)
zh-CHT      (none)      Chinese (Traditional)
zh-MO       zh-MO       Chinese (Macao S.A.R.)
zh-SG       zh-SG       Chinese (Singapore)
zh-TW       zh-TW       Chinese (Taiwan)
zu-ZA       zu-ZA       Zulu (South Africa)